Get Hands-On with AI: A Guide for High School Students and Future Leaders

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As AI continues to make waves in every industry, high school students might wonder how they can get a head start in this exciting field. This blog post aims to demystify AI and provide you with practical ways to engage with it.

AI Tools to Try

Google's Teachable Machine

  • What it is: An online tool that lets you train a machine to recognize images, sounds, and even poses without any coding.

  • Why it’s useful: Great way to understand the concept of training a model.

  • How to get started: Visit the Teachable Machine website and follow the tutorials.

Quick, Draw!

  • What it is: A fun online game where Google's AI tries to guess what you're drawing.

  • Why it’s useful: Helps you understand how AI can recognize patterns.

  • How to get started: Simply visit the Quick, Draw! website and start drawing!


  • What it is: A platform that allows you to create chatbots.

  • Why it’s useful: Learn the basics of natural language processing.

  • How to get started: Go to Dialogflow's website and sign up for a free account to begin building your chatbot.

AI-powered Writing Assistants

  • What it is: Tools like Grammarly or GPT-3-based writing assistants.

  • Why it’s useful: Understand how AI can assist in improving writing and content creation.

  • How to get started: Install Grammarly as a browser extension or try out a GPT-3-based tool online.

Simple AI Projects to Build

Scratch AI

  • What it is: Scratch offers extensions for simple AI and machine learning projects.

  • Why it’s useful: A beginner-friendly way to build AI projects.

  • How to get started: Visit the Scratch website and explore AI-based projects.

Python Libraries

  • What it is: Python has various libraries like scikit-learn that are beginner-friendly for machine learning.

  • Why it’s useful: Get hands-on coding experience while building AI models.

  • How to get started: Install Python and relevant libraries, then follow tutorials online.

Raspberry Pi and Object Recognition

  • What it is: Use a Raspberry Pi and a camera to build simple object recognition systems.

  • Why it’s useful: Learn how hardware and software can integrate in AI.

  • How to get started: Purchase a Raspberry Pi and a compatible camera, then follow guides online to set it up.


  • What it is: An online platform providing data sets and kernels for machine learning.

  • Why it’s useful: Offers real-world data sets for practice.

  • How to get started: Sign up on Kaggle’s website and explore the beginner-friendly competitions.

Online Learning Resources

  • Coursera, Udemy: These platforms offer comprehensive beginner courses on AI and machine learning.

  • Codecademy: Features interactive coding challenges focused on AI.

  • YouTube: A plethora of tutorials covering everything from the basics to advanced topics.


The future is ripe with opportunities for those who understand and can leverage AI. Don’t wait to finish high school to dive in; start exploring now!


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