Academic Coaching

Susan T - Parent of 4-year RPTM coaching student.

“If you are a student - or the parent of a student - looking for tutoring support you will find exactly what you need to succeed working with James Tierney. While he's an expert on his subject matter what makes him stand out is his absolutely commitment to improving his students' learning ability by working on organizational skills and critical thinking skills - in addition to working through the subject matter. James initially worked with a family member who struggled to pass an Econ class - twice. The work was more than basic tutoring though. In working with James they did very well in the class and also did very well learning more about balancing work AND succeeding in the class. Opting to continue working with James, our family member is now working on study and life organizational skills and techniques beyond any one class. James' work has been essential to helping our family member navigate a complex university system at Penn State and also to finding work/school/life balance. Words like coaching are used frequently for the work James does but we prefer to describe James' work as that navigator who's helping get to the final destination with commitment and caring. Need I say more? Unconditionally recommend Tierney Education to anyone looking to be a better student in today's complex world.”

Empowering Learners:

The Essence of Academic Coaching at Tierney Education

At Tierney Education, we amplify our academic coaching by weaving in executive functioning skills, crucial for mastering the art of learning. This includes strategies for organization, time management, and effective study techniques. It's about equipping students not just with knowledge, but with the toolkit to navigate their learning journey efficiently. By integrating these skills, we're helping learners not only understand their subjects but also how to approach studying methodically and with confidence. This holistic approach ensures that students are prepared not just academically, but for life's challenges, fostering independence and a proactive mindset.

What is Academic Coaching?

Drawing from the Miriam-Webster definition, coaching is fundamentally "the act of instructing or training." While the term often conjures images of athletic coaches, academic coaching channels a similar spirit into the realm of education. Our academic coaches are dedicated to enhancing students' academic performance, akin to how a sports coach would improve an athlete's physical performance. However, the goal here is to cultivate your intellectual prowess and learning agility.

Academic coaching at Tierney Education caters to a diverse clientele, welcoming students from elementary school through to college and beyond, including adults embarking on or returning to their educational journey.

Beyond Tutoring

Our approach distinguishes itself by focusing on the development of crucial academic skills, mindsets, and behaviors over mere content knowledge. It's about nurturing a student's ability to learn effectively, think critically, and adapt to challenges—skills that are invaluable both within and beyond the classroom walls.

Meet Your Expanded Team of Coaches

As Tierney Education has grown, so has our team of exceptional academic coaches. Each coach brings a unique blend of expertise, experience, and a genuine passion for education and personal growth. From undergraduate achievers to doctoral scholars, our team is equipped to provide personalized support that aligns with each student's specific needs and aspirations.

Our expanded coaching team is a testament to our commitment to providing comprehensive, tailored educational support. By fostering a supportive, motivating environment, we aim to unlock each student's potential, ensuring they not only succeed academically but also develop the resilience and mindset needed for lifelong success.

Join Us on Your Educational Journey

Whether you're looking to enhance your academic skills, build confidence, or navigate the complexities of your educational path, Tierney Education's academic coaching services are here to guide you every step of the way. Get to know our team and discover how we can support your growth and achievement.

Semester Packages

Weekly — $625/mo*

Weekly 30-45 minute coaching sessions

  • Required extra coaching session during the first week to help with semester organization.

  • Optional extra coaching session during registration to help with scheduling if needed.

  • Optional extra coaching session during the last week of the semester to prepare for finals.

  • Monthly 30-minute virtual check-ins with parents.

  • Constant text-email support.

  • 15% off all one-on-one tutoring services through Tierney Education

  • 5% Discount if paid in full by the first day of classes.

2x a Week — $1100/mo*

30-45 minute coaching sessions, twice a week

  • Required extra coaching session during the first week to help with semester organization.

  • Optional extra coaching session during registration to help with scheduling if needed.

  • Optional extra coaching session during the last week of the semester to prepare for finals.

  • Monthly 30-minute virtual check-ins with parents.

  • Constant text-email support.

  • 15% off all one-on-one tutoring services through Tierney Education

  • 5% Discount if paid in full by the first day of classes.

Individual coaching sessions are available at $175/session if scheduling allows. Monthly clients have preference when booking times.

*Monthly payment are due on the first day of September, October, November, and December during the Fall semester and on the 15th day of January, February, March, and April of the Spring semester. Summer sessions are on a case-by-case basis.

What to Expect During an Academic Coaching Session at Tierney Education

One of the most common questions we encounter is, “What exactly does an academic coach do?” At Tierney Education, our team of academic coaches works collaboratively to help students—and their parents—navigate and take control of the educational journey with confidence.

Personalized Approach to Empowerment

Every student's journey is unique, which is why our coaching is highly individualized. Whether it’s achieving a balance between school and social life, planning for a future career, or ensuring accountability for class attendance and assignment completion, our approach is tailored to meet each student’s specific challenges and goals. Understanding each student on a personal level allows us to offer practical advice and strategies for them to become the best versions of themselves.

Setting Goals and Expectations

Academic coaching is a partnership built on mutual understanding and commitment. It’s crucial for everyone involved—students, parents, and coaches—to be aligned on goals and expectations. Our initial discussions focus on identifying strengths and areas for growth, setting realistic objectives, and committing to the effort required for improvement.

Regular Sessions and Continuous Support

Our coaching sessions are designed to be a consistent source of support and guidance. Meeting at least weekly, we provide a space for students to share updates, reflect on their progress, and tackle any issues that arise. Communication with parents and other stakeholders is part of our process, respecting students’ privacy and confidentiality as necessary.

A typical 45-minute session with us begins with a check-in on the student’s overall well-being, followed by a detailed review of each class and the planning of upcoming tasks. We utilize our Course Organizer, a tool we’ve developed to foster organizational skills and goal setting (available to our newsletter subscribers). Every session concludes with a forward-looking question: “What do you want to work on this week to be 1% better?”

A Team of Coaches Supporting Your Journey

At Tierney Education, we believe in the power of coaching across all areas of life. Just as our founder, James Tierney, benefits from the insights of business and mental health counselors, we advocate for the transformative impact of academic coaching. Our aim is to provide students with the resources and support that make a difference.

Discover if We’re the Right Fit for You

Interested in exploring how academic coaching can benefit you or your student? Schedule a 30-minute consultation to discuss how our team can support your educational journey. Alternatively, visit our contact page for more information.