Private Tutoring

Terry P. — Wake Forest University MBA Student

“James was an incredible tutor and teacher. I came across a video on YouTube and he explained Economics concepts so effortlessly. I was elated to find out he offered tutoring! I used him to prepare for my MBA Economics exam and got an A!! He’s just fantastic. You have to be willing to do the work and he will guide you and make sure you grasp the fundamentals every step of the way. He is also very encouraging and will challenge you to think.
Highly, highly recommend!!!!”

Learn about our private tutoring services.

  • Tierney Education specializes in math and economics tutoring. However, we have tutors in various other courses. Visit our Courses We Cover page to learn more about our current courses. We are continuously hiring, so if you are looking for help in a specific course that isn’t listed, please reach out and we will do our best to match you with a tutor.

  • Tierney Education employs both in-person and virtual tutors. Each tutor has been interviewed by James Tierney and is well versed in the course. You can learn more about the current staff here.

    Tierney Education offers three different types of tutors:

    1) Peer Tutors - Undergraduate students who performed well in the course and have a strong understanding of course concepts.

    2) Professional Tutors - Master’s degree holders who offer specialized guidance in their respective fields to address advanced academic challenges.

    3) Executive Tutors - Tutoring with James or PHD Degree Holder who can offer a high standard of expertise and personalized guidance.

    Learn more about the tutoring services Tierney Education offers here

  • Tutoring rates start at $60/hr. Rates depend on the tutor and the course.

    For example, a high school algebra class is $60/hr for an undergraduate tutor and $100/hr for a graduate with classroom experience.

  • Tutoring sessions are offered virtually through Google Meet/Zoom or in person. With James, they will take place at The Tierney Education office located on Beaver Ave. Sessions with contracted tutors will take place at an agreed upon location in Downtown State College or on Penn State’s Campus.

    Traveling outside of Downtown State College is available with an extra fee.

  • If the tutor is not a good fit, we will refund the cost of the session.

  • Group tutoring is available upon request up to 3 students. Rates adjust with more students. Email for more information.

  • Yes! At the Tierney Education office in Downtown State College, we have a conference room that can hold up to 10 individuals for a review session. Reach out today to schedule.

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