Services for Business Leaders

Get guidance on organization, presentations, and management.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching focuses on communication, organization, and management skills. When you sign up for executive coaching, founder James Tierney will meet with you weekly or biweekly and keep you focused. When you and James meet you will:

  • Go over storytelling in presentation and pitching.

  • Review your goals and create systems that form long-lasting habits.

  • Set weekly, monthly, and yearly milestones.

  • Talk about management styles and focus on empathetic listening.

Each business leader’s experience with coaching will be different, and James will make each session personalized to specific needs.

Executive coaching starts at $150 per 45-minute session.

Improv & Leadership

I offer teambuilding and leadership workshops based on improvisation skills through Happy Valley Improv, LLC.

Happy Valley Improv, LLC is State College’s premier long-form improv company. Our mission is to cultivate and support a community of people dedicated to the study, practice, and exploration of improvisation.

We offer this study, practice, and exploration of improvisation to our non-profit, educational, and corporate partners through customizable participatory workshops. These workshops can take place on-site, at the Blue Brick Theatre, or virtually.

Each workshop is unique because we work with you to develop a curriculum customized to your organization's needs. We then apply our toolbox of improv theatre exercises to those needs.

Each workshop is similar in that attendees will experience improv through participation. This is true for in-person or virtual workshops. At the top of each event, we establish trust and safety through improvised ice-breaker activities showing everyone that it is okay to step outside their comfort zone. This trust supports subsequent activities focusing on the skills you discussed before the event.